Kohler Aegis 24 hp to 30 hp, twin cylinder OHV liquid cooled engines includingselected specification numbers of ELH775, LH640, LH690, LH750, LH755, LH775, LV680engine models.
Kohler Command PRO Single 13 hp to 18 hp, single cylinder OHV engines includingselected specification numbers of CH13, CH14, CH15, CH16 and CV430 engine models.
Kohler Command PRO Twin EFI 19 hp to 38 hp, V-Twin cylinder OHV electronic fuelinjection engines including selected specification numbers of ECH630, ECH650,ECH680, ECH730, ECH740, ECH749, ECH940, ECH980, ECV630, ECV650, ECV740, ECV749,ECV650, ECV680, ECV730, ECV740, ECV749, ECV850, ECV860, ECV870, ECV880, ECV940 andECV980 engine models.
Kohler Command Pro EFI Flex Fuel 25 hp, V-Twin cylinder OHV electronic fuelinjection engines including selected specification numbers of FCV740 engine models.
Kohler Command PRO EFI Propane 22 HP to 29 hp, V-Twin cylinder OHV electronic fuelinjection engines including selected specification numbers of PCH680, PCH740,PCV680, PCV740, PCV850 and PCV860 engine models.
Kohler Confidant 19 hp to 25 hp, V-Twin cylinder OHV engines including selectedspecification numbers of ZT710, ZT720, ZT730 and ZT740 engine models.
Kohler Confidant EFI 20 hp to 27 hp, V-Twin cylinder OHV electronic fuel injectionengines including selected specification numbers of EZT715, EZT725, EZT740 andEZT750 engine models.
Kohler Courage 20 hp to 27 hp, V-Twin cylinder OHV engines including selectedspecification numbers of SV710, SV715, SV720, SV730 and SV740 engine models.
Kohler 7000 Series 20 hp to 22 hp, V-Twin cylinder OHV engines including selectedspecification numbers of KT715 and KT725 engine models.