635 mm, 711 mm, 762 mm, 812 mm, 870 mm, 965 mm & 1067 mm
M20-1.5 Left hand thread
25" (635 mm) cut Greenfield MINIMOW 25 ride-on lawn mower models as the spindleshaft lock nut.
28" (711 mm) cut Greenfield Anniversary 8 and 11 ride-on lawn mower models as thespindle shaft lock nut.
30" (762 mm) cut Greenfield Anniversary 11, Evolution III (Evolution 3) 10.5/30 and12.5/30, Evolution 3 MK II (Evolution III MK II) 11.5/30, Evolution 3 MK II A(Evolution III MK 2A, Evolution III MK II A) 8.5/30, 11.5/30 ride-on lawn mowermodels as the spindle shaft lock nut.
32" (812 mm) cut Greenfield Anniversary 12-32, Evolution 13-32 and 14-32, Evolution2000 (e2000, E 2000) 12/32, 13/32, 14/32 and 15/32, Evolution 2000 MK II (e2000 MKII, E 2000 MK II) 13/32 and 16/32, Evolution III (Evolution 3) 12.5/32, 12.5/32Deluxe, 13/32 and 13/32 Deluxe, Evolution 3 MK II (Evolution III MK II) 13/32Standard and 13/32 Deluxe, Evolution 3 MK II A (Evolution III MK 2A, Evolution IIIMK II A) 13/32 Standard and 13/32 Deluxe, Evolution FASTCUT32 (11.5 hp to 30 hp),FASTCUT GT22670 (17.5/32 Standard), FASTCUT GT22690 (17.5/32 with steel deck),FASTCUT GT22875 (25/32 Standard) and FASTCUT GT22875SD (25/32 with steel deck)ride-on lawn mower models as the spindle shaft lock nut.
34" (870 mm) cut Greenfield Evolution 2000 MK II A (e2000 MK II A, E 2000 MK II A)13/34, 16/34 and 17/34, FASTCUT34 (13.5 hp to 26 hp), FASTCUT GT22895 (17.5/34Deluxe) and FASTCUT GT22900 (25/34 V-Twin Deluxe) ride-on lawn mower models as thespindle shaft lock nut.
38" (965 mm) cut Greenfield Evolution III (Evolution 3) 12.5/38 ride-on lawn mowermodels as the spindle shaft lock nut.
42" (1067 mm) cut Greenfield FASTCUT GT22885 (25/42 V-Twin Deluxe) ride-on lawnmower models as the spindle shaft lock nut.
Left hand thread.
Use with our JAS8057 spindle shaft which comes included in our blade disc andspindle kit part numbers BLH8053 (for 32" cut) and BLH8059 (for 34" cut).
Greenfield Non-Genuine,
Left Hand Threaded Lock Nut, Lock Nut - Jackshaft, Jackshaft Locknut, Nut - SpindleShaft, Spindle Shaft Lock Nut,
Wonderful service getting this coil from halfway around the world was amazing. I think it was the last one in existence. Saved us from having to replace the engine.